Spring Clear Out! April 17 2017
We want to make some room for new stock so we have decide to have a spring clear out. Check our Moods Home Sales section for some amazing bargains of up to 70% discount!
Green Thursday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday November 24 2016
Its a bit like the old song 'I say tomato, you say tomato - lets call the whole thing off. Which ever way you call it; Green Black or Cyber - you really are just looking for a great bargain. So that's what we give you; you say 'GreenBlackCyber2016', and we say '20% off your moods home order'!
Happy shopping! (Just enter GreenBlackCyber2016 as the promo code on check out and you get your discount!)
Hey Ho Hay Ho, off to the fair we go! September 08 2016
We are heading off to the fair in London to see what the new trends are for the upcoming season!
This fair in particular is very exciting as it is the first time we are travelling as parents. What will it be like to combine a tradeshow with looking after a 4 month old will be an interesting new experience.
But that's not the only reason why we are looking forward to it so much. This invitation from Alessi arrived into our inbox and we can't wait to find out what news are in stall from this exciting brand! We love the idea that Alessi and Marcel Wanders have taken inspiration from the Circus for their new range!
Us being away for a week though means there will be no orders shipped until Friday 16th September. Hope this will not inconvenience anyone!
Happy Easter! March 23 2016

Come see us at the Christmas Fair Nov 22nd! November 17 2015
We are very excited to have our first outing into the real world. It's a unique opportunity to meet some of our customers face to face, and can't wait!
With beautiful Clontarf castle as the venue that Christmassy feeling comes with a guarantee. We had a sneak peak this Sunday as they were putting up the tree and starting to deck the halls and already we were thinking mulled wine and minced pies! we weren't far from breaking into a spontaneous 'Jinglebells' rendition!
So if you are looking to make a big dent in your christmas shopping, come and see us and our 53 fellow stall holders for a proper Christmas extravaganza! It's going to be phenomenal!
Easter Eggstravaganza! March 31 2015
The thought of all the chocolate we will indulge in over next week is close on making us have nightmares about the bathrooms scales showing some horrendous figures this day next week. And even still there will be more chocolate in the house, and you will resort to madly googling recipe ideas for using leftover easter eggs. No we want an alternative!
Why not buy something that you and the kids will love, appreciate and that will bring a smile to your face all the way to next easter instead? These Cico eggcups from Alessi are three things in one, the little man itself is the eggcup, you can fill the hat with salt and pour it out through the little hole on top, and eat it with the spoon. Three things for the price of one!
If you thought that was inventive, how about the Jib-Jib eggcup from Qualy? This little guy just quips 'easter'! The chick itself comes with an internal salt and pepper castor, You twist his head one way, his eyes go black and you can shake out pepper, twist the other way and the eyes go white and you can shake the salt. Leave it in the middle an both the salt and pepper is sealed. But thats not all! You can use his handy little beak to crack the egg in the first place!
If all that utility is too much and all you want is a great quality eggcup; you are happy with the salt and pepper castors you have; and you have a drawer full of spoons so in fact you were thinking about starting a business selling second hand spoons? Well then this is the eggcup for you. The Girotondo eggcup from Alessi. The Combination of the steel and the plastic is beautiful!
If you enter 'EGGSTRAVAGANZA!' on checkout you will get a 10% discount from now until April 6th!
VALENTINES February 09 2015
Hate it or love it; Valentines is upon us and its your chance to be a cheesy romantic or raunchy rebel. These are our top 10 gifts to help you say what you feel!
Lets get the hearts out of the way first; the heart-shaped teainfuser from Alessi. To say 'I love you', or be more riské and say 'Let me infuse you!
More hearts; the heart shaped mug from Alessi. To say; 'Curl up one the couch and cuddle me!' Or bought together with the infuser; 'Just like you and me -two things that go together!'
Is this the day you are going to give your loved one the key to your place? Well then you'll need the Alessi Jalk keyring with the message 'You'll be needing this!'
Another, slightly raunchier version of they keyring message can be; 'Take my key and plug me, eh.. sorry it(!) IT when ever you want!
The Qualy Picky Boy, he is a cheeky chappy. Perfect for the 'Pick me!, Pick me!' messages you want to convey!
The Desk Bunny from Qualy is the perfect way to say: 'You're my Honey Bunny!'
The Pop-Up bottle opener from Alessi is the perfect way to your man's heart; 'Pop your beer then you can pop me! What man wouldn't love to hear that!
What better way to share your love than to buy a heart shaped house for your keys; 'You are my lovebird!
Is your Valentine a fairly new and un-established relationship? Perhaps 'I'll Tweet you!, Guess Who?' with a Chip bird from Alessi sent to their office emits the right message?
Simply think Valentines is shit but know your partner loves it? Secretly rebel by giving them a toiletbrush and disguise it with a 'Let me pop your Cherry!' message!
Recreating Nature - inside! October 23 2014
We really love the beautiful colours in nature at the moment. The leaves blow all around us in the most amazing array of colours. So we just don't want it to stop when we come back inside. And the great thing is that with the Qualy Autumn Door stopper you can recreate that look! And at the same time they can do a practical job! - hold your doors open and stop them from slamming in the autumn winds!
Bowl, Bucket or Bin? April 07 2014
It's so nice when you come into spring and you do your big spring clean and you get organised for the summer ahead. We have found the best little helpers for just about any storage, organising and serving needs you might have around the house. The Flow Bowl, Bucket and Bin from Qualy is so stylish and affordable, and we think that when you start using them you will only want more and more of them!
It really is only your imagination that will limit the uses! In addition to the above uses we can thing of using them as flowerpot covers, to serve salad, use as a wine cooler, keep your craft supplies tidy.
How would you use them?
So which is it; Bowl, Bucket or Bin?
Feeling Mellow Yellow March 19 2014

In the Press March 04 2014
Its very exciting to see your name in print. This Saturday we got out first mention in the press. We were featured in the The Irish Independents Weekend Magazine.
Saved by the Bell January 30 2014
There are a lot of exciting products coming in over the next while but there is one particular product that has us all giddy. Its not enough to see a photo of this product as you have to hear the bell ring as you fill it with coins.
Check it out on Youtube: