Fashion Sale January 08 2016
It's an exciting time of the year when a new season is about to start and you need to make room for all the exciting things coming in! So the clear out and get ready our fashion sale is now on. 50-70% off our Winter Fashion. See all the offers under the Fashion Sale tab!
Inspiration on the Danish Riviera! May 13 2015
If you only have a few days free this summer to plan something special, forget about longhaul flights to faraway destinations! Ilse Jacobsen has a beautiful Spa on the Danish riviera. Hornbaek is a picturesque beachtown north of Copenhagen. Because you don't travel so far the positives of the stay isn't wiped out as you trek home across continents!
As if days lounging on this beach isn't special enough on it's own, you can now also check into Kurbadet for special treatments. There is also a restaurant that offers highend scandinavian cuisine as portrayed in the second series of BBCs Nordic Cookery that will air this summer. It sees Ilse cooking with the program host Tariq Taylor.
A trip to Hornbaek will restore any imbalances you feel, and who knows you might feel as creative as Ilse herself. She always contributes her creative ideas to this gem on the coast, and it's very easy to see how inspiration would hit you as you wander on this beach with powdery sand between your toes; eating ice-cream and letting the gentle breeze create perfect beach hair for you!
We have already packed our flip flops for our trip in June! We can't wait!
Check out the Spa here on
What lies beneath? September 07 2014
Sometimes you look at a popular product and think it's just down to a trend, not giving much fought to why it is that 'everybody' wants this particular product. But then as seasons roll on and the product becomes just more and more popular you start thinking 'there must be something more to this!'
That's also the case with the Ilse Jacobsen Rain jacket; some people might just love how they feel stylish yet sporty while wearing it. Other might feel it's so practical that they can open the two way zipper and be free to move on a bike. Or perhaps the rugby mum only cares about being dry and warm as she stands at the side of a pitch in all types of weather?
There is a lot of technology that goes into looking and feeling this good (as you can see from this diagram). But you don't have to worry about that; All you have to worry about is which colour to go for!
Splish Splash! July 31 2014
Luckily it's not all looks; as always Ilse Jacobsen backs up with exceptional quality. These boots are handmade out of natural rubber, and they have a fleece lining, so your tootsies will be warm and dry, but also able to breath! No plastic Chinese mass manufactured boots that will split during the first downpour here! Oh no, siree!

Have you had the pleasure? April 15 2014
The Ilse Jacobsen Flip Flops are gaining a bit of a cult following. Once your feet have had the pleasure you just can't stop wearing them. As soon as the degrees hit double digits we start yearning to wear them. We wear them indoors and check the outside temperature to see 'is today the day we can start waring them outside?'. And hooray! For us today was the day! The test walk to the postbox proved that 'yes' we didn't get frostbite, and the time has come to ensure that our feet are properly pedicure-pampered. Goodbye shoes; see you in September! For the next five months it will be nothing but flip flips for us! One in each colour please!
Facebook Competition September 17 2013
We are running a little Facebook competition to show our appreciation of all the people who so kindly help us spread the word about our new online venture.
- First price is that the winner can choose any Ilse Jacobsen rain coat from our website
- We will have 10 runner-up prices too. For every 10 page likes we get from now on until we reach our 300 Like goal, we will pick one winner of an Alessi Mouse bottle opener, and their name will go on our shortlist for the first price:
- Donna Robinson Ratchford
- Mairead Henchion
- Caroline Sheedy
- Sara Kelleher
- Lorraine Dumpleton Kennedy
- Tara Scanlon
- Helen Mahon
- Den Boyle
- Susanne Fagan
- Bridget Pyke
First price winner:
Mairead Henchion
*As soon as the final winner is picked the prizes will be sent out.
Reclaiming Friday 13th September 13 2013
To address the balance of Friday 13th being unlucky we have decided to tip the scales in favour of luck! All day today you can get 13% off your orders by entering Friday 13 2013 as the discount code on check-out!
So go make Friday 13th your lucky day!